Could life get any crazier???

Well, first off… I have to say that I adore my sweet little family…

Life is awesome. So awesome, in fact, that I needed a break. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

First there was band practice for this girls conference thingy…

(my sweet niece, Kayla will be leading a song with Joseph!)

Then, we spent Saturday morning at the Farmer’s Market…

(I got me some goodies!)

And Saturday night some very close friends of ours got hitched!

Congrats Larry and Bev!

And now for the best of all (to me anyways)…

Today I got so very tired of running around like a crazy person that I decided (in the middle of laundry and dishes, dinner and well… bedtime) that I was taking off to spend a couple of HOURS in the fabric store and make some of the things I have been dreaming of making for a long time. I know you think I am the silliest thing, but when I dream of anything… its always making things. Weird, I know. Most people dream of BUYING things, for some reason I dream of being able to get everything in its rawest form and creating it myself. Anyways, on to what I made…

New Bib and Dress for Scarlet!

New bag for ME!!!

I learned something from Joseph tonight. I absolutely LOVE handmade things because they are someone’s hard work. Someone put their whole heart into something just for me. I love to hand make things for Scarlet because I know that I put my heart into it. She has something that no one else in this world can get. I realized tonight that when I see someone else’s work and it isn’t perfect I have always thought it gives it character. But when I mess up I fall apart because it isn’t perfect. The point in it being handmade is so that it isn’t perfectly done. The things I made tonight have many small mistakes, ones that I learned from. From now on I want to be able to look at what I make and see my mistakes and be okay because I know that someday I will have a collection of stuff that has progressively gotten better through the years. I will look at these things and see how I have grown.

Sorry if you are one of those people that really loves me but doesn’t get me and my weirdness… this is just three a.m. rambling. You’ve heard how you shouldn’t drunk dial? Well, maybe I shouldn’t deliriously blog either…

Oh! Here I am!

Sheesh… this blogging thing really is addicting. It’s been almost a month since I’ve written here. So much has been going on… some big stuff and some stuff that has just kept me from doing anything for myself… I haven’t shared pictures with you in a while so…. here we go with the lists… I love lists…

First off, NASHVILLE!!!

I got to see all those super important people I see whenever I can slip away from here.

The Liesel and myself being us…. she is my besty

My darling Levi J. with his Uncle Joe

My Sweet Shannon, Levi’s Mommy and one

of the closest people to my heart

Boles and Swiesel… these are the ones I go to

if I ever need to laugh.

Came home from Nashville missing Macky:

Saw a Rainbow…or two…

Had a wonderful Momma’s Day!

And now I am pooped… the few things going on in between all of that were tough. Things like Scarlet overcoming a funky throat thing, Joseph getting a new job (wahoo!) and all the adjustments that come along with that, and planning a super-duper fun conference that is coming up…

Happy Spring to you!!!