Quick Update:

So, no I haven’t had this baby yet. But these past few days have been filled with many contractions that have gotten me no where, lots of cooking, very little sleep, and realizing how seriously bored this girl gets if you keep her in the house too long. I had a long conversation with God, promising I would be patient and wait on the perfect timing. So now, all my energy is spent trying to keep that promise. 🙂

Pictures of Easter coming soon!

Bunnies and Duckies


Today is a busy day. Dashing this way and that. Finishing last minute projects and loving on family. I meant to have so much more done but the weekend snuck up on me. 



Scarlet has seen bunnies and duckies everywhere and considering they’re her favorite two animals at the moment she is LOVING this celebration.


I hope you have a Good Friday (wink wink) and a Happy Easter!

A few of my favorite things…

What’s going on around here? Well see, lots and lots of crafting. Spring just seems to be the crafty season, or maybe it’s because this gigantic belly doesn’t allow much getting out. 🙂 As I am busy with making this and that (a post about my super cool crocheted rug is on it’s way!) the girls have found new ways of keeping busy themselves. 



Homemade Play-Doh! This was quick to whip up and they loved the bright colors.


Coloring Veggies. Scarlet has started to sit still for quite a while to focus on coloring. These veggies got cut out and used in other artwork they were working on. Since this picture we’ve invested in a VeggieTales coloring book. 🙂 They LOVE VeggieTales!


Bean Pouring! This has quickly become Scarlet’s favorite thing to do. Macky is typically busy washing dishes (her new favorite thing to do), which really is pouring water instead of beans. Scarlet reaches for them at least a few times a day and sits for almost an hour each time and pours beans from one place to another. She concentrates very hard on not spilling them. 

This is just a few things going on around here in the midst of getting ready for Easter, getting ready for a new baby, cooking and freezing for after the baby arrives… and the list goes on. Creating and watching these babes create is such an amazing way for me to keep my cool in the middle of everything else going on around us. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday! 


Passing the Time

It is official. I have 3 weeks left. If I have the baby anytime after 3 weeks then I will be able to stay at the Birth Center and not be transfered to the hospital. That is something big enough to celebrate! It also has caused a little anticipation about having a new baby join our family. I am trying my best to stay calm and patient. What better way to stay calm than to sew! 



These are Scarlet’s new pants from Amanda Soule’s pattern in The Creative Family. Instead of using a T-shirt, like she did, I used a pretty blue linen I found in the remnants pile at JoAnns. The trim was done with some fabric I just had lying around. This is the first pair of pants I’ve ever made. I am super happy with them. She will probably end up with many more pairs. The linen is perfect for the hot weather coming up. 



This skirt I threw together last night. Believe it or not, I had a more difficult time with this than I did the pants. I got this from Oliver + S Lazy Days Skirt Pattern, free on their blog. The fabric was taken from my pile of extra fabric, mostly found in the remnant piles, my favorite place in any fabric store. I love the end result, but there were a few times I had to walk away and come back with some chocolate milk in my tummy. 🙂 

There has been some other sewing projects going on around here for Easter. It’s become a combined effort between me, Gran, and Grandma. Cant wait to show you pictures of Easter!